“Joe DeSena is the real deal. His stories are believable, because his achievements and accomplishments are genuine. In Spartan Up! Joe delivers his message with the insight and candor that only an individual who has lived through such experiences can. A must read for anyone looking to take his performance to the next level, be it in athletics or in life.”
Dean Karnazes
Ultramarathoner and New York Times bestselling author of Ultra Marathon Man
“If there’s anyone out there who has taken extreme to a new level, its Joe De Sena – in adventure racing, in business, and ultimately in the business of adventure. Spartan Up! is a must-read.”
Robyn Benincasa
World champion adventure racer and New York Times bestselling author of How Winning Works
“Two words describe Joe De Sena and Spartan Up!—Game Changer! Read this book and you will dramatically transform the way you think, lead, work, and live. This is the ultimate resource for personal and professional transformation.”
John Brubaker
World renowned performance consultant and author of The Coach Approach: Success Strategies from the Locker Room to the Board Room